A Week in pictures at MSC

We had a big week this week, no different to any other week really; here is only half of what we got up to and that's not including the off-the-hook phone calls from clients requesting signs of all shapes and sizes.
from top to bottom:
  • The Queen Unseen Archive at the Art Gallery of Ballarat, go and see it! it looks amazing.
  • Novo were after some more high-res digital prints for their seasonal internal displays.
  • We also installed the new corporate id for 'The Art Gallery of Ballarat'
  • Maple Street Early Learning Centre were after a couple of banners to let parents know that they were taking enrolments for their kindergarten.
  • Melbourne Uni Student Union required a new illuminated cubed information sign, she lights up a treat.
  • Palms Pharmacy- situated in sunny Coffs Harbour invested in seasonal promotion signage. Looks great!



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